Marvel’s MCU: What will the X-Men and Fantastic Four bring to the cinematic universe?

For anyone who is a comic enthusiast, a 90’s baby, or just a lover of comics in general, the idea of seeing a great movie about the Fantastic Four and X-Men in theaters has been a dream that most fans have wanted for a very long time. Now, since Marvel Studios has acquired the rightsContinue reading “Marvel’s MCU: What will the X-Men and Fantastic Four bring to the cinematic universe?”

The Future of Disney Worlds in KH; Predictions and Ideas for KH4

Outside of the tremendous fun of gameplay that can be found within a Kingdom Hearts game, another thing that most players can agree on is towards the exploration of new worlds; Disney or original to the story. While KH3 gave us a new standard on the term “worldbuilding” it also introduced the players to biggerContinue reading “The Future of Disney Worlds in KH; Predictions and Ideas for KH4”

Kingdom Hearts: What’s After KH3? ~ Thoughts, Predictions and Theories

Kingdom Hearts 3: A 14-year long experience that has been crafted for the fans has long since been delivered on its release date of January 29 in 2019; that is until an inevitable final mix comes out – fixing and/or adding things to such a prominent entree for the franchise. In completing the game, collectingContinue reading “Kingdom Hearts: What’s After KH3? ~ Thoughts, Predictions and Theories”

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