Putting Identity to Ethnicity; Dark-skinned Heroes and Villains in Gaming

What makes a good character stand out? The struggle of their character as they ascend from the bottom of the barrel to the top of the leaderboards in character development? The development of what kind of character they’ll be throughout the story? While all of these factors, and plenty more, attribute to the development andContinue reading “Putting Identity to Ethnicity; Dark-skinned Heroes and Villains in Gaming”

The Future of Disney Worlds in KH; Predictions and Ideas for KH4

Outside of the tremendous fun of gameplay that can be found within a Kingdom Hearts game, another thing that most players can agree on is towards the exploration of new worlds; Disney or original to the story. While KH3 gave us a new standard on the term “worldbuilding” it also introduced the players to biggerContinue reading “The Future of Disney Worlds in KH; Predictions and Ideas for KH4”

Kingdom Hearts: What’s After KH3? ~ Thoughts, Predictions and Theories

Kingdom Hearts 3: A 14-year long experience that has been crafted for the fans has long since been delivered on its release date of January 29 in 2019; that is until an inevitable final mix comes out – fixing and/or adding things to such a prominent entree for the franchise. In completing the game, collectingContinue reading “Kingdom Hearts: What’s After KH3? ~ Thoughts, Predictions and Theories”

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