J’s Design Corner: Kingdom Hearts and Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Since its release in 2019, The reception for Kingdom Hearts 3 among its fans has been hot and cold due to the complaints of several game design issues. To its benefit, the game included new and intriguing forms of combat, which allowed players to make Sora into a more than capable protagonist with additional abilities and skillsContinue reading “J’s Design Corner: Kingdom Hearts and Atlantis: The Lost Empire”

On and Off Paper: The Inner Progressions of Mario’s Paper Thin Series.

The Paper Mario series has been a unique trek in establishing new roots while promoting older sources, with the famed mustached plumber’s adventures in a 2D scope world. Since its release in the 2000s, the game’s received praises for unique takes on the Mario series through the scope of adventures in a paper-thin universe. ItContinue reading “On and Off Paper: The Inner Progressions of Mario’s Paper Thin Series.”

Marvel’s MCU: What will the X-Men and Fantastic Four bring to the cinematic universe?

For anyone who is a comic enthusiast, a 90’s baby, or just a lover of comics in general, the idea of seeing a great movie about the Fantastic Four and X-Men in theaters has been a dream that most fans have wanted for a very long time. Now, since Marvel Studios has acquired the rightsContinue reading “Marvel’s MCU: What will the X-Men and Fantastic Four bring to the cinematic universe?”

J. Arthur’s Gaming Workshop: Rival School Games in The Present. (2020’s)

A creative workshop that implements pivotal changes and upgrades to a 20 year old franchise for the present day.

J’s Writing Corner: Main Characters

Allow me to introduce you to the first of many articles focused on the scope of writing and development within storytelling. These Writing Corners will act as my personal interpretation into distinct elements for storytelling and other topics that align with the main focus of the centered article. While most of the examples that IContinue reading “J’s Writing Corner: Main Characters”

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