J’s Design Corner: Kingdom Hearts and Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Since its release in 2019, The reception for Kingdom Hearts 3 among its fans has been hot and cold due to the complaints of several game design issues. To its benefit, the game included new and intriguing forms of combat, which allowed players to make Sora into a more than capable protagonist with additional abilities and skillsContinue reading “J’s Design Corner: Kingdom Hearts and Atlantis: The Lost Empire”

The Future of Disney Worlds in KH; Predictions and Ideas for KH4

Outside of the tremendous fun of gameplay that can be found within a Kingdom Hearts game, another thing that most players can agree on is towards the exploration of new worlds; Disney or original to the story. While KH3 gave us a new standard on the term “worldbuilding” it also introduced the players to biggerContinue reading “The Future of Disney Worlds in KH; Predictions and Ideas for KH4”

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